A competition entry for a new Pavilion Building for the Garden Museum in London. The design creates a secure area for staff and a new landmark in the museum grounds and wider Lambeth Gardens area, becoming a strong visual marker when viewed from Lambeth Bridge, Lambeth Road and Lambeth Palace Road.
The design occupies an overall footprint circa 19m long x 9.5m wide at its outermost edges, creating a new entrance on the primary pedestrian axis formed by the redirected public access through St Mary’s Gardens, between the proposed education, refreshment and flower selling facilities, that leads through the new pavilion. New cycle parking and staff facilities flank this route to the museum entrance. It is proposed to retain all existing trees on the site, including the central Holm Oak.
The new pavilion is sited at the Southern Lambeth Road Edge to maintain maximum distances from the Grade I listed Lambeth Palace, the Grade II* listed medieval tower and porch of St Mary’s (now the Garden Museum), the Grade II* Garden Museum and its churchyard walls and the Grade II* listed Tomb of William Sealy and prevents overshadowing of these listed structures. Two ‘pods’ of 3.2m (widest) x 3.8m (longest), 9.5 sq. m (each side) contain equipment stores and capacity for 10 staff
The pavilion facilitates full access for all staff and visitors via gentle gradients that mediate the existing site levels. Staff areas are fully accessible with extra wide doors, adjustable height shelving, storage, changing, drying and welfare facilities. The built footprint has a minimal impact on the site. Brown and green roofs generate thermal mass. Rainwater from the canopy drains to the central pavilion roof that acts as a large hopper to collect water in a storage tank. The canopy roof incorporates PV panels. The site is easily accessed via walking, cycling and public transport. All pavilion spaces are naturally ventilated.
The materials palette incorporates a CLT structure that echoes the crenelated top of Morton’s Tower. Reclaimed oak railway sleepers create a naturally ventilated suspended floor. Reclaimed telegraph poles and logs form the cladding to encourage the growth of flora and fauna and promote the development of ‘bug hotels’ over time, with the rooftop providing secure nesting spaces for birds. Interior floors, walls and ceilings are lined in recycled plywood sheet with recycled plywood joinery that is demountable and reconfigurable.
Client – The Garden Museum
Type – Civic
Location – Lambeth, London, UK
Status – Open Competition